
For a good c.a.u.s.e.

Members of the Fox River C.A.U.S.E. (Citizens Against Underwater Silt and Erosion) are conducting their annual canoe cleanup of the Waterford waterways on Saturday, Sept. 8, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Volunteers are welcome. Meet at Fox River Landing, 31421 Bridge Dr. Canoes, trash bags, beverages and lunch at The Hilltop will be provided. For information, call (262) 514-3488 or visit www.frcause.com. ( Paul Beyerl photo)

One Comment

  1. This is great, the river level is down, clean it up. If they would put out a better notice for what they are doing I would have come. But nooo, DNR with the Burlington conservation club did this a month ago and got a pile of trash. Come on meat heads get off the couch and chip in. I will be there if they publish or get the word out better. But anyway thanks for for the hard work.