Award-winning play deals with the challenges of teen life
By Jennifer Eisenbart
A year after undertaking a play about a school shooting, the Waterford Union High School one-act competition tackled something a little closer to home – gossip, the damage rumors can cause and how teenagers see both in every day life.
The cast and crew of the one-act competition play put together one of its most successful runs ever, producing the show “The Wrestling Season” by Laurie Brooks and bringing home every possible award from last weekend’s Wisconsin High School Theatre Festival, held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
The cast and crew brought home awards for Critics Choice, Outstanding Ensemble, Outstanding Crew and Outstanding Directing, along with four cast members – Paige Williams, Tabitha Tuska, Drew Ardis and Noah Tibbetts – winning outstanding acting awards.
The show, which deals with two best friends on a high-school wrestling team dealing with rumors of being homosexual, brings to light issues faced by LGBTQ youth, as well as addressing the nature of teenage gossip and how it affects all students.
“The judges were very pleased with the show, saying it was one they were waiting for,” said WUHS drama teacher and director Leigh Birmingham. “They were very thankful to us for telling the story, and complimented the design, the staging and overall confidence and bravery of the actors.
“The show itself felt extremely real for them, and the discipline displayed by the performers helped carry the stories,” Birmingham added.
To read the entire story see the Nov. 29 edition of the Waterford Post.