
Waterford Graded School District updates


Waterford Graded School District is offering families two mobile apps to provide more options for school-to-home communication. The two apps are extensions of technology already used by the district: the Skyward Family Access and Sharp School website apps.

The Skyward Family Access app, which is available for both i-devices and android devices, enables parents to access student information, such as grade book data, attendance information, lunch account balances and more.  It is a mobile extension from the web-based Family Access feature, to which all parents already have access.

The SharpSchool mobile app, also available for i-devices and android devices, gives parents on-the-go access to key school information, such as school calendar events, staff directory information, lunch menu, and your school’s webpage.

Information will be sent to all parents about how to obtain these apps and setup them. It is the district’s hope that offering these mobile communications will help parents stay informed and connected to their children’s school.


Teacher pay adjustments

The Waterford Graded Board of Education approved salary adjustments for its teaching staff at its Feb. 10 meeting.

After reviewing the specific proposals in a closed session at a special meeting, the Board approved a resolution for 2012-13 salaries and 2013-14 salaries.

The amounts of the increases were $860 for 2012-13 and $950 for 2013-14. The increases will be applied to teaching staff employed by the district as of Sept. 1, 2013.

The overall increases equate to 1.4 percent and 1.6 percent respectively for teacher salaries for the two school years.

In a media release, the Board said its members were pleased to be able to take action on these salary items.

The teachers union had decertified for the purpose of collective bargaining during a Dec. 2013 voting window.  Stalled negotiations with the union prior to the decertification had frustrated both Board members and individual teachers, the release explained.

Teachers had expressed concerns about salaries to the Board and administrators the past few years.

Board members also heard a presentation from a subcommittee and studied a revised teacher salary structure.

The proposed salary structure would take effect in the 2014-15 school year and recognizes longevity, contributions to the profession, professional growth and merit.

Formal action will be taken on this new salary structure at a future meeting prior to employment contracts being issued for the upcoming school year.

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