
Grant keeps study within budget

By Dave Fidlin


Efforts to continue studying possible eco-system restorative efforts on Tichigan Lake and the Fox River will continue, following the recent securement of a substantial grant.

In mid-June, the Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission announced its intent to provide a $59,040 grant to the Waterford Waterway Management District (WWMD), which is charged with oversight of the bodies of water.

The funding will go toward the second phase of a study and include soil sample collection, tests and compiling results and reports.

The grant, and its planned usage, was discussed June 28 at the WWMD monthly meeting.

Under the grant conditions, WWMD must chip in 10 percent of the total cost.

WWMD commissioners last week voted in favor of the 90/10 percent arrangement. WWMD will contribute $6,560 of the $65,600 cost for the Phase II study.

The engineering firm Graef, of Milwaukee, has been selected to perform Phase II of the feasibility study, which could eventually lead to a dredging project to address sedimentary soil issues, depending upon the data collected.

With WWMD on board with plans, Graef officials are expected to begin their analysis isoon and wrap up the study in late September.

WWMD budgeted $70,000 total toward both phases of the sedimentary study. The initial phase came in at $62,676. Had WWMD been on the hook for the full amount of Phase II costs, the entire project would have far exceeded the amount allocated.

“If it weren’t for the Fox River Commission, we would have had to use money in our reserves,” said Commissioner Barbara Baron said.

“I applaud them, because we’ve been able to stay within our budget.”


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