
Choose to reach youth before the drugs do

All parents, community members and middle- and high-school students are invited to hear an honest presentation about the devastating effects of drug and alcohol abuse on young people and families.

The Your Choice drug and alcohol awareness program will be held Tuesday, Oct. 30, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Waterford High School gymnasium.

The program will offer an understanding of what addiction really looks like in the life of a suburban student, explained from young people who have lived it. Learn how to resist substance abuse, from youth who successfully said no or pulled back.

Students and parents stay together for the first 60 minutes, then break out to separate sessions for the remainder of the program. There will be time for questions.

Your Choice young adults will candidly share their real life stories and personal experiences to present a clear picture of the consequences and rewards of the choices people make during the student presentation.  Presenters are either recovering addicts or those who chose to stay away from alcohol and other drugs.

Parents of children who became involved with drugs and alcohol will give their perspective on what went wrong and how their child’s abuse impacted their families during the parent presentation.

In a frank and insightful manner, these parents tell you what they wish they had known.

Reservations are not necessary but, for planning purposes, are appreciated by emailing to [email protected].

More information about Your Choice is available online at www.yourchoice-live.org


One Comment

  1. This was a great informational meeting. I was very disappointed not enough of the community was present. Drugs are a huge issue in the area and we should all be aware of the signs and what we can do as a parent!