
A one-time payoff may end the grinder pump standoff

WSD adds a new option to consider

By Patricia Bogumil

Interim Editor

With no clear end in sight to how much or how to charge some 302 users of district-owned grinder pumps, another option – paying them off – came up May 9, when the Town of Waterford Sanitary District (WSD) board met at the Town Hall.

Lump sum payout. John Macy, the district’s attorney, suggested the board consider making a lump sum payment, such as $3,000, for each of the 197 WSD-owned grinder pumps still being used by the 302 customers.

In some cases, these 197 grinder pumps serve two or three properties. The pumps move waste from low-lying properties up to the main sewer line.

According to Macy’s suggestion, after accepting the payment, the 302 customers – rather than WSD – would then own and maintain the grinder pumps– forever.

A month earlier, WSD commissioners considered other options to fairly raise money from the 302 customers, whose properties have been served by a WSD-owned grinder pump since 1888, when municipal sewer service began in the townships.

Still being considered are ideas to:

• conduct a timeline analysis to find out the overall cost savings of using grinder pumps rather than deep mains in low-lying areas;

• switch ownership of the WSD-owned pumps to the customer when the property sells to someone outside the family; and

• switch ownership at the time a WSD-owned grinder pump needs to be completely replaced.

For the complete story, see the May 25 edition of the Waterford Post.

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