Union Grove

Library budget would benefit if donated funds are made

By Jason Arndt

      Graham Public Library continues to work on balancing its 2014 budget after identifying a budget shortfall – and it may seek donations to offset any deficit.

      The information was shared Oct. 14 at the Union Grove Village Board meeting by Trustee Gordon Svendsen.

      “They are working on their budget right now and last year they were short a few dollars and this year they are trying to come up with a balanced budget,” Svendsen explained.

      The library, located at 1215 Main St., “is in need of something to balance their budget,” Svendsen said.

      “They just recently finished their remodeling program and a lot of money saved up for that, so they are looking to bulk up their funds so when it becomes needed again, they can use it.”

      Svendsen stated the library has always accepted donations from residents and utilizes the money given for building upgrades and new equipment.

      The library has successfully sought grants from organizations in the past and also received donations from citizens.

      “There has been a donation of computers from the Bill Gates Foundation a couple of years ago, those kind of things,” Svendsen explained. “From estates, people have passed away and left part of their estate to the library.”

      Svendsen told Village trustees Monday the Library Board members unanimously agree that increasing fines and fees is not an option.

      Individuals interested in contributing to the library can contact Graham Public Library Director Katie Hanson at (262) 878-2910 for further information.

      More concise numbers will be released at the next Library Board meeting scheduled in November.

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