Union Grove

Enjoy your weekend!

Weekend activities around the Union Grove area include:

FALL FESTIVAL: The annual fall festival is Friday Oct. 4, 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. (and Oct. 5, noon to 11 p.m.) at St. Robert Church, 3320 S. Colony Ave., Union Grove. Enjoy bingo, live music, $2 beer, food, games, haunted hayride, silent/live/pie auctions, kids games, chili cook off, car show, raffles, more.

      Information: 878-3476.


SAFETY DAY AND BREAKFAST: Raymond Fire and Rescue Department hosts its annual Safety Day and Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, Oct. 6, 8 a.m. to noon, with displays of fire equipment, demonstrations, blood pressure screening and a silent auction.

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