Union Grove

Union Grove selected to participate in national challenge

Union Grove has been invited to represent Wisconsin in the SC Johnson Green Choices Recycling Challenge, a nationwide contest that aims to encourage waste reduction and increase household recycling.

Fifty communities, one in each state, will compete against each other with the goal of generating the highest recycling participation rate in their community. The winning community will receive a $100,000 grant from SC Johnson for a community sustainability project.

The six-month challenge kicks-off the week of July 2 and the winner will be announced in January 2013.

In addition to protecting the environment and keeping Union Grove clean, participants can also earn deals on everyday household and grocery items from Recyclebank, throughout the challenge.

• Residents in participating communities need to sign up for a free Recyclebank account at www.recyclebank.com/greenchoices and report their recycling activity.

• Once a member, residents must report their recycling efforts at least once a month on the Recyclebank website to have their efforts count towards the Challenge. Residents can also use the Recyclebank smartphone app on their iPhone and Android devices to report their recycling.

A leaderboard at www.recyclebank.com/greenchoices will track progress each month, and the winning community will be announced in January 2013.

      In a press release, SC Johnson notes that Americans recycle only 1-1/2 pounds of the more than four pounds of waste they generate daily, adding unnecessary waste to our nation’s landfills.

In an effort to help slow this trend and further inspire waste reduction efforts,

While the SC Johnson Green Choices Recycling Challenge aims to increase consumers’ recycling, it will also contribute to SC Johnson’s goal of becoming landfill neutral by 2016. The company will eliminate or divert more than 480 million pounds of waste from the nation’s landfills, which is equivalent to more than its U.S. waste footprint.

“Companies have a responsibility to make more environmentally conscious products and operate more sustainably, but we also need to find ways to inspire families and help them to make green choices, like recycling, an everyday action, said Fisk Johnson, Chairman and CEO of SC Johnson.

“The SC Johnson Green Choices Recycling Challenge along with our recently announced Sustainable Behavior Change Program will help us to better understand what motivates people to change their actions when it comes to waste reduction.”

The SC Johnson Sustainable Behavior Change Program is a five-year research project that will bring together academics, environmentalists and consumers in an effort to identify what drives behavior change around a number of sustainable actions.

The program’s initial research will dovetail with the SC Johnson Green Choices Recycling Challenge.

Recyclebank is similar to a frequent flyer program. Members instead earn points for living a more sustainable lifestyle and can use those points to “shop” at Recyclebank.com for rewards such as discounts and deals.

“At Recyclebank, we believe that the key to unlocking the greatest environmental impact depends on businesses, government and communities working together to inspire and motivate everyday green actions,” said Jonathan Hsu, chief executive officer at Recyclebank.

“Through our partnership with SC Johnson and the innovative municipalities in our program, we can reach an even wider audience to better educate and incentivize a daily routine to the benefit our environment, one small step at a time.”

For more information, visit www.Recyclebank.com.



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