
Aldi looks to expand local store

Plan Commissioners approve addition grocery store

By Jason Arndt


The City of Burlington Plan Commission approved a site plan application for an expansion of the Aldi grocery store at 2009 Lynch Way on Tuesday.

The expansion, according to city consultant Tanya Fonseca, is to accommodate the store’s growth in the area.

As part of the plan, the grocery store chain looks to construct a 2,292-square-foot addition to north of the current building.

The expansion will increase the size of the building by 13 percent.

The addition, however, comes with a loss of 13 parking spaces because the store will need to include a 30-foot wide fire access line alongside the building.

Fonseca said the loss of the parking spaces puts the store at 87 available stalls, which falls below the requirement, according to zoning code.

The zoning code requires the store to have 117 parking stalls on its property to accommodate the planned expansion.

In response, Aldi officials drafted a letter indicating the layout of the existing lot limits the store’s ability to add more parking spaces.

To read the entire story see the Dec. 13 edition of the Burlington Standard Press.

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