
Town is cool to request for funds for cemetery

By Jennifer Eisenbart

Staff Writer

The Town of Burlington Board of Supervisors isn’t unsympathetic to the plight of the Burlington Cemetery.

But after being asked to provide money to help the cemetery overcome financial problems, the Town Board is balking.

“There’s probably a lot of ways we could pitch in if we could get them interested in services instead of money,” said Town Board member Jeff Lang. “I’m not real ready to do anything tonight.”

In the end, the item was tabled. However, the situation will have to be addressed eventually, as the Cemetery Association is struggling to remain afloat after burials have declined and an embezzling scandal more than a decade ago robbed the cemetery of operations and maintenance funds.

Both the Town and the City have struggled with the concept of simply giving money to the organization. And, according to discussion at the Town Board meeting last week, the town isn’t allowed to just give the organization money.

“As I read this through, the proper way was if they had approached us before budget,” said Town Chairman Ralph Rice. Town Administrator Diane Baumeister said that the group has been asked for a budget several times by the town, but has been told they don’t have an exact budget.

“I just don’t see why the association doesn’t do what the chamber and what other associations do. Get volunteers and do fundraisers,” said Baumeister.

Town resident Vicki View Peterson, in the audience, said she was bothered by the fact no one from the cemetery association was at the meeting, and that throwing money at the problem might not work.

Baumeister added, “They just want this money, and they’re not putting in any effort.”


  1. “I just don’t see why the association doesn’t do what the chamber and what other associations do. Get volunteers and do fundraisers,” said Baumeister.

    Is this Not the Cities Cemetary? Thus Should be under the Cities Parks or One of the Other Depts? The same dept. as who is incharge of Mowing the Cities Lawns, etc? And Also? How come never Having a Annual Budget to begin with? If it is a Private Cemetary? Diff. Story, right?

    And can some $ we Donated/FundRaising, but Invested and only say 5% a Yr Comes out of it to Self Fund itself? And Nobody ( City council) can touch that $ for anything else?

  2. The cemetery is not owned or operated by the city. It is run by a board of I believe non elected officials. Technically it may be a private cemetery but majority in Burlington are buried there. Ever since the embezzlement, it has been a very rough ride for the cemetery. Also, if they really need funds bad, they can throw a tax onto the property bill or something and there is nothing anyone can do about it since it is legal. That was also a story in this paper. How anyone can run without a budget, I don’t know. Seems like there still needs some fixing to do before they get any help from anyone yet though.