
Standard Press to feature lengthy School Board candidate profiles

Thursday’s print edition of the Burlington Standard Press will feature an extensive story profiling the eight candidates competing in Tuesday’s primary election for the Burlington Area School District Board of Education.

The story, which tops out at nearly 150 column inches, is presented in question-and-answer format with the candidates each responding to five questions.

According to Standard Press Editor Ed Nadolski, the extensive profile allows the candidates – in their own words – to answer the questions that have become central to this race. It also gives readers an in-depth look at the candidates to an extent that is rare by today’s newspaper standards.

“With the high-level of community interest in this election and the fact the forum we planned to host last week was cancelled due to inclement weather, we wanted to go beyond normal newspaper coverage of an election,” Nadolski said.

Subscribers are scheduled to receive their newspapers in the mail Thursday. Copies will also be available at retail outlets throughout the Burlington area Thursday afternoon.


  1. You need to do this for waterford hs. The hs board president has a storied past, and present.

  2. Thanks for the coverage.

  3. We do need better coverage of Waterford politics in general and it seems no paper cares to do it which makes me wonder why?