Burlington, News

Welcome to the job: M.T. Boyle takes over as County Exec’s Chief of Staff

SP 8'20'15 MTBoyle Headshot


While M.T. – short for Mary Therese – Boyle has enjoyed a life working with books and libraries, she admitted recently she was looking for a new challenge.

So, after meeting Racine County Executive Jonathan Delagrave when introduced by former county exec Jim Ladwig, Boyle found herself intrigued.

“I didn’t know who he was,” Boyle said, until she was introduced. After talking for a bit, Delagrave said the magic words – at least for Boyle.

“He said, ‘one of my passions is mental health,’” she explained.

So when the Chief of Staff position for Delagrave opened up, Boyle found herself with a new job.

“This position, it’s so wide and varied,” Boyle said. “I represent Jonathan Delagrave when he’s not available. I’m a liaison. I’m communicating the message.”

Boyle’s appointment was announced about a week ago, and she began her duties the first week of August. Boyle is the wife of Racine County Judge Tim Boyle.

In a press release, Delagrave said that Boyle’s “enthusiasm, work ethic and business sense” made her an excellent fit for the position.

Boyle has worked with public libraries as a vendor and business owner since 1993. She has served as a trustee on the Burlington Public Library Board, was appointed to the Lakeshore Library Board, and to the Council of Library and Network Development.

She has also facilitated meetings with local legislators regarding library related issues and has been involved in trustee training with the Wisconsin Library Association.

For M.T. Boyle, though, a large part of the appeal with the position is what Delagrave is working for. She said that Delagrave’s goals of workforce development, mental health and leadership are all ideals she stands behind.

She’s also excited to get a chance to promote Racine County. She’s working to expand the county’s social media presence and updating the county website.

M.T. Boyle said, as an example, that she had no place to put photos from the Racine County Fair online.

“I think there’s a lot of room for growth” with promotion, she said.

“It’s been fun. It’s been a huge change,” M.T. Boyle added. “This was pretty much awesome.”

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