Burlington, News

Miller will run for fifth term

By Jennifer Eisenbart


While City of Burlington Mayor Bob Miller said in the spring he would run again for mayor, he made that decision official early last week.

Miller delivered a press release confirming that he would seek a fifth term as mayor.

“I’ve been honored to serve as mayor for the last eight years,” Miller said, “and I’d appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve our community in the role.”

Miller will have an opponent for the race this time, as former mayor Jeannie Hefty announced in January that she planned to challenge for the position.

She said at the time she had an “outpouring” of support from a cross section of people.

“At first, I listened and considered it an honor of even being thought of,” she said. “Then it started really coming in more and more, and, in my heart, I felt I needed to step forward.”


  1. Honestly… It’s time for a positive change in Burlington. This man has broken promise after promise to the community & its business owners. This current term needs to be his last. Burlington is a community that is on the cusp Renaissance or Death… The city/the chamber of commerce needs to actively search for ways to attract new & exciting businesses to the community.

    We don’t need more bars, banks, or beauty salons… we need legit businesses that will grow, pay decent living wages to its workers, and contribute to the restoration of our once great community. The next Mayor & the council needs to seriously consider reviewing some of the out-dated ordinances that hinder businesses to thrive, showcase their products, etc…

    • Taylor you really don’t keep yourself aware of things happening in the community. Or maybe it is just that you never have like Mayor Miller. I think that is probably what it is. Your were the worst representation the school board ever had. If I were you I would look at my own record before criticizes anyone else’s.

      • Well well…. the first one comes out of the woodwork.

        “Brown” I keep very strong tabs on what is happening in Burlington… it’s my town… I love it. To educate you a bit here. I actually campaigned/voted for Bob Miller during his first run for Mayor and campaigned again for him during his second term because I believe in his values, his vision to unify the divided Burlington City Council… to grow our community into something greater than what it already was. I had great admiration/respect for him but then I started to see the true nature of him and several others in Burlington and realize their priorities were NOT community first.

        Let’s continue this education shall we? So… Donating money to help fund improvements to the school forest, making the high school grounds more handicap accessible, fighting for the tax payers by ensuring Fiscal Responsibility, Accountability, & Transparency, working diligently to balance the budget while still maintaining quality teachers/education in the district, fighting to keep the districts promise to maintain neighborhood schools is considered the some of the “worst representation” on the school board? Hmmm… yeah those all seem like terrible things *laughable* My record speaks for itself and can be verified with fact…. so please go on with your riveting comments.

        I don’t need to go on and debate an uneducated troglodyte who sits on the sidelines of life most likely distraught at their vast failures in their miserable existence in career and family and decides to be a coward by using an alias to post on a public forum vs. use their real name. If you ever happen to wonder into a voting booth at some point or maybe open yourself to public scrutiny by running for office… please feel free to contact me… I’ll be MORE THAN HAPPY to have a face-to-face discussion on the issues. 🙂

        Like I said…. I would love…. to talk face to face and address more of your concerns regarding my record on the Burlington School Board…. “Brown”

  2. Mayor Bob is the poster boy for why term limits are so popular.

  3. Miller has zero qualifications to be mayor and his record is filled with failure after failure!

  4. Wow!!! Taylor Wishau laying the smackdown!

    Hey brown, instead of hiding behind a screen, why don’t you post your real name like the rest of us do.

    Kudos to Taylor for being a constant progressional in the face of ignorance. One of the reasons I voted for him and would vote for him again!