Burlington, News

City cuts Lahner’s payback in half

By Jennifer Eisenbart


City Administrator Kevin Lahner will leave Burlington without having to pay back the full $51,000 he owes the city – and some members of the City Council are not happy about it.

According to Alderman Bob Prailes, the council voted unanimously two weeks ago that Lahner had to pay back the full amount owed as per his contract.

However, Prailes said Wednesday morning that Lahner rejected that offer, forcing the council into an emergency closed session last Wednesday.

After that session, the council voted 5-3 to let Lahner out of a little more than half of his contracted payback, with Lahner paying back $25,000.

Aldermen Jon Schultz and Ruth Dawidziak joined Prailes in voting against the measure, Prailes said.

He stressed that originally, the council was in full agreement that Lahner pay back the $51,000, and only changed their minds after Lahner told the city – rather than pay back that amount – that he would stay and fulfill the final years of his contract.

“My take on it was that, in the end, the council decided to negotiate with him,” Prailes said. “Kevin said he would come back (for the final years of his contract) because he couldn’t pay it – or believed he didn’t owe it.

“One or the other.”

Prailes said he voted for what he thought was right, and for what the people of his district thought was right.

“Not one person said he shouldn’t pay back the full amount,” Prailes said.

Lahner is leaving Burlington to become the new Waukesha city administrator. Because of a negotiated raise a few years ago, his base wage had been raised to $133,000, but with the clause that if he left before the end of the contract, he would have to pay back the money he earned through the raise.

Mayor Bob Miller said Tuesday before the Common Council meeting he thought the agreed-upon amount was fair, especially since Lahner had given up money by subjecting himself to Act 10 when he hadn’t been required to, and turning down other raises.

“I think it’s fair and it’s the way to go,” said Miller, adding that Lahner gave up about $40,000 by declining additional raises and through Act 10 payments.

But the decision didn’t sit well with everyone. Chris Impens came to the council meeting and read a statement during the comments section of the Committee of the Whole meeting.

“The decision of the counsel can be summarized as follows: Nearly $28,000 that rightfully belong to the tax payers and citizens of Burlington – money that could have been allocated to roads, parks, the homeless or any number of deserving uses – was instead gifted to Kevin Lahner,” Impens said.

He went on to add that the council had failed in its “fiduciary responsibility” and called the move “reprehensible.”

Miller said, “People are going to say what the people are going to say. I think, maybe, they don’t have all the information.”


Search begins

While that issue appeared resolved Tuesday night, the city has also begun looking ahead. Approved during the Common Council meeting, the city will contract with GovHR USA – formerly Voorhees and Associates – to search for Lahner’s replacement.

Miller has pushed the company to expedite the process, saying he wants to move as quickly as possible to find a new administrator.

However, some aldermen made it clear they had looked over the proposal, saying in the Committee of the Whole meeting that they want transparency for the public.

There was also discussion that GovHR USA had recruited Lahner for the Waukesha position. Miller clarified, saying that Lahner had been friends with a member of the company – who has since left – and heard about the job through that person.

The council weighed the pros and cons of that, and the fact that the city did not go through a request for proposal process to hire a firm to do the search.

Finally, Miller asked for any council members to raise their hands if they had any “major heartburn” with using GovHR USA.

No one did, though Alderman Ruth Dawidziak said, “just minor (heartburn).”


  1. “Because of a negotiated raise a few years ago, his base wage had been raised to $133,000, but with the clause that if he left before the end of the contract, he would have to pay back the money he earned through the raise.”

    So why can Burlington not require him to meet his CONTRACT requirements? Was this contract not signed or something??

    • I wrote a couple weeks ago how naive these commenters are. Of course they were going to pay this guy off. The dont care about contracts/the law. Most people go into govt these days are not that bright and have low ethics – its the way they can make money by taking yours while you are busy with real work.

      Look at the players here: Miller LIEner Vos etc – they fit the mold, not bright and willing to lie for $$. Done deal. Next guy up 90% chance his goal will be to take as much $ of yours as possible. Why are you so surprised??? I told you so.

  2. Will there be a “City Government Mismanagement” pile of pennies on the counter this year when we pay our property taxes? The city is not a profitable corporation that can afford to be gifting people money. Remember, he decided to leave, he was not forced out.

  3. Burlington is seriously run by a bunch of idiots. At least we don’t have to deal with Lahner anymore. Let Waukesha take that idiot. Also, is Waukesha looking for a new mayor? It’s a 2 deal package! Sad to see this town run like this!

    • Throw in the fire chief and you really have quite the group. cant wait to see what they do next to this city :/

  4. Has Tom Vos told his son he opposes Act 10?

    Miller and the 5 council members including Vos in this article are saying they oppose Act 10 and supported the Walker recall.

  5. He gave up raises through ACT 10 – big whoppty doo! I had a lot TAKEN from me thanks to Act 10 – so let’s not play that card because that is just bull!

  6. Miller and Lahner and the rest LIE to the taxpayers when they sign this huge contract.

    Then they and the council LIE when they say they are going to follow the contract in a meeting.

    Then they LIE and hold a hidden meeting and give away tens of thousands of dollars to a LIAR who said he’d keep his word and payback the money.

    LIES are told by LIARS. CROOKS STEAL other people’s money.

    Isnt this illegal?

    How do these LIARS stay in office to take our money for themselves. Are we that dumb? Will we just forget about it like they think we will?

  7. Lahner……..typical politician! So sad for Burlington taxpayers.

  8. Since Bob Miller feels that Lahner shouldn’t have to pay it back, he should dig into his pockets and give the money back to the city people. His good ol’ boy slap on the back attitude needs to be put in check. Maybe time to get the right person into this position who has the best interest of the city in his mind. Also Mr. Miller’s severance could be a supply of Nexium for his “heartburn” issue.

  9. So I usually vote Republican. I voted for Robin Vos and Scott Walker and supported Act 10. Now Tom Vos “Mr. Republican” and friends are saying its good for government workers to pay for part of their pensions unless they’re his personal buddies? And they do it at a secret meeting after saying they wouldn’t?

    I didn’t vote for this. Makes me want to throw up.

  10. pissed off businessman

    So , basically what Bob Miller told us is he don’t care what anyone has to say about his decision to help out Lahner!!!! He says we don’t have all the facts to make an informed decision! You know what I say that, give us all the facts than so we can personally see what kind of back room shenanigans are being pulled by the admin in the city!!! This whole situation disgusts me, one week our elected representatives tell us one thing, than the next week they do something totally different with a little prodding from the mayor I am presuming!!!! Props to Dawidziak, Prailes and Shultz for doing the right thing! Unfortunately none of them represent my district, but I will be sure to let my alder people know what I thought of their decision come next election!

  11. Maybe the citizens of Burlington will actually open their eyes. Every alderman that voted to give him a cut should loose the next election. People need to get involved in their local government – people who CARE for more than just being one of the good old boys club. What ever happened to fiscal responsibility to the residents? I’d like to see a list of what Lahner has accomplished………..! Figure out the dollar amount for what he has been paid – and it certainly won’t add up to what he was paid and now he’s given a $25,000 bonus. Merry Christmas I guess to those who are willing to take what they don’t deserve.

  12. We need to move for a “no confidence” vote against the Mayor and other two aldermen that voted in favor for the sweetheart deal that Lehner received. If they are willing to make this type of decision and grossly mismanage tax payer dollars in the public eye, what else has been done that the community is not aware of? The contract was signed in good faith by both Lehner and the City. If this contract is modified, then where does the line get drawn? Can other City of Burlington employees under contract simply decide they do not wish to honor what was negotiated? If Lehner was paid this hefty salary of $133k and cannot afford to pay back the $51k, how well did he really manage the City of Burlington finances? We need the no confidence vote as well as an independent audit of his past 7 years. I may be wrong, but this may rise to the level of a criminal investigation.

  13. Bob Miller is a dullard and his math is a joke!

  14. Why does this paper parrot what Miller says without questioning is obviously erroneous math. Letting Lehner off with 1/2 of what he owes DOES NOT SAVE THE CITY MONEY no matter how you try to spin it!